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Monday, August 9, 2010

ทุนมหาวิทยาลัยฮาวาย !!!!! ได้ฟรี ไม่มีเงื่อนไขใดๆ

1. East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowships 2011 เพื่อศึกษาในระดับปริญญาโทและปริญญาเอก ณ มหาวิทยาลัยฮาวาย ประเทศสหรัฐ อเมริกา (ทุนปริญญาโท และทุนปริญญาเอก) หมดเขตสมัคร 1 พฤศจิกายน 2553
2. Asian Development Bank-japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) 2011 เพื่อศึกษาในระดับปริญญาโทและปริญญาเอก ณ มหาวิทยาลัยฮาวาย ประเทศ สหรัฐอเมริกา (ทุนเรียนต่อต่างประเทศ) หรือ หมดเขตสมัคร 1 ธันวาคม 2553
คุณปนุท ชวากุล สถาบันการศึกษานานาชาติ (IIE)
ชั้น 6 อาคารมณียา ถนนเพลินจิต กรุงเทพ
โทร. 02 652 0653 ต่อ 119

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Implementation Guideline of the DUO-Thailand Fellowship Program 2011

Implementation Guideline of
the DUO-Thailand Fellowship Program 2011

General description
DUO-Thailand Fellowship Program 2011 aims to enhance a mobility of students between Thailand and ASEM member states in Europe on a balanced basis. In this respect, DUO-Thailand requires that a PAIR (two persons) of students be exchanged in the framework of cooperation between higher education institutions in Thailand and in the European Union Member States.
Eligible universities for the DUO-Thailand Fellowship Program 2011 should abide by the following obligations:
1. The home university must permit its students to participate in an exchange all through the duration of the program: 1 semester but not more than 4 months.
2. Home and host universities should have an agreement at the institutional level whereby credits for study undertaken while on exchange are to be accepted by the home university.
3. A home or host university already having an agreement with its partner institution will be given first priority while that aiming to utilize student exchange to pave the way for developing an agreement with its partner institution will be given second priority.
4. The host university should be willing to receive DUO-Thailand exchange students from its partner institution and is expected to waive tuition fees for the exchange students.
5. One end of exchange is anchored to Thai.
6. The areas of exchange may include, but not limited to, the following priority areas:
6.1 Alternative Energy,
6.2 Biotechnology/Food Technology,
6.3 Business System Design,
6.4 Health Sciences,
6.5 Wood Technology,
6.6 Information and Communication Technology,
6.7 Logistics and Supply Chain Management,
6.8 Tourism and Hospitality Management.
Duration of the exchange: 1 semester but not longer than 4 months


Type of activities
• Undertake a study for at least 6 credits at the host university. The subject of study should correspond to the major or minor subjects of the applicant.
• Conduct research as a part of the applicant’s study. The research work as the applicant’s thesis or dissertation should get approval from the home university.
Amount of fellowships
Grant will be provided in lump sum as follows:
Thai students 1,200 Euro per month
European students 800 Euro per month
• In case that the exchange student fails to take part throughout the whole period of the exchange, the whole amount of the grant needs to be returned to the Office of the Higher Education Commission within 15 days. After the exchange student completes the exchange program, the student is requested to notify the Office of the Higher Education Commission for further arrangement.

Qualifications of applicants
1. Students’ qualifications
1.1 Thai Students
1.1.1 Being an undergraduate or graduate student in Thai public and private higher education institutions under the Office of the Higher Education Commission’s jurisdiction,
1.1.2 Having Thai nationality,
1.1.3 Obtaining at least 2.75 GPA for undergraduate students and 3.25 GPA for graduate students,
1.1.4 Proficiency in language used as the medium of instruction is required by one of the following tests,
 TOEFL score at least 213 (computer-based) or 550 (paper-based), or
 IELTS score at least 6.0, or
 University language proficiency test result equivalent to TOEFL or IELTS, or
 D.E.L.F. or D.A.L.F at least level B 2.

1.1.5 Not having applied for or being the awardee of other scholarships,
1.1.6 Being able to join the program throughout the whole period,
1.1.7 Submitting a report and a study record showing the learning outcomes gained from the host university to the Office of the Higher Education Commission within 30 days upon completion of the program.
1.2 European students
1.2.1 Being an undergraduate or graduate student in European Union higher education institutions accredited by responsible agencies in their respective countries,
1.2.2 Having EU nationality,
1.2.3 Obtaining GPA at satisfactory level in the ECTS system (70% of subjects taken are graded B for graduate students, and 70% of subjects taken are graded C for undergraduate students.),
1.2.4 Not having applied for or being the awardee of other scholarships,
1.2.5 Being able to join the program throughout the whole period,
1.2.6 Submitting a report and a study record showing the learning outcomes gained from the host university to the Office of the Higher Education Commission within 30 days upon completion of the program.

All applicants shall maintain their positions at the time of application until the time they are engaged in the exchanges, for instance, students should possess "student status" until they complete the exchanges.
The awardees of DUO - Thailand who have been selected to join the program will not be eligible to apply for the DUO - Thailand Fellowship Program 2011.

Application period and procedure
Application period is from 2 August 2010 to 29 October 2010. Applicants for the DUO-Thailand Fellowship Program should confirm to the following regulations;
1. Applicants must apply through their respective universities.
2. The application must be submitted through the Thai partner institution to the Office of the Higher Education Commission.
3. Application must be submitted in pair (a Thai student going to European Union Member States and a European Union student coming to Thailand)
4. No more than two pairs of applicants from each Thai university can apply. (one pairs of candidates and one pair of alternates)

5. Each pair of exchange, the exchange periods of Thai and European shall not necessarily coincide, and the areas of exchange of Thai and European shall not necessarily be identical.
6. Applications should be submitted in hard copy with the signatures of the responsible persons at host and home institutions. The Office of the Higher Education Commission reserves the right to refuse applicants and required documents via fax or e-mail. Please note that late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
Application instruction
The application form should be completed in English and be submitted together with the following documents:
1. A copy of transcript/study record. As for European students, a copy of transcript/study record should be translated in English and GPA has to be converted to ECTS system (A,B,C,D)
2. A copy of the letter of acceptance from the host university,
3. A copy of the Record of DUO-Thailand Study Program,
4. A copy of the TOEFL, IELTS test result or other language proficiency tests result comparable to TOEFL (For Thai student applicant).

How and where to apply?
1. A Call for application and electronic application form for DUO-Thailand Fellowship Program can
be downloaded from the ASEM-DUO Fellowship Program’s website ( and the Office of the Higher Education Commission’s website ( since 2 August 2010.
2. Please submit the completed application form and supporting documents to a Thai partner
university prior to the time limit.
3. Thai university proposes the exchange program application form, completed with all required
document to the office of the Higher Education Commission no later than 5.00 pm. 29 October 2010.
Contact person can be reached through:
Office of the Higher Education Commission
328 Si Ayutthaya Road, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400, THAILAND
Contact person can be reached through
Tel: +66 2 610 5402 Fax: +66 2 354 5570
Selection of applicants
Selection of applicants will be made by the Executive Committee comprising representatives from higher education bodies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand.
The duration period of the DUO-Thailand Fellowship Program 2011 should not be beyond September 2011.
Payment of scholarships
The Office of the Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Education, Thailand will pay the scholarships to Thai partner universities. The selected students from European Union universities will receive the fund upon their arrival to Thai partner universities.
Transfer of the fund will be made upon the receipt of the information on the exact dates of the exchange of the awardees. The home and host institutions are requested to keep all the documents related to the awardees’ expenses for future inspection.
There are no restrictions in using the scholarships. They can finance the tuition, living or travel expenses.
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